Imagen de melocotones en el árbol, frutas con hueso.

Stone Fruits

Imagen de Melocotón agricultura ecologica


The peach is a velvety fruit with a sweet taste whose flesh can be easily separated from the stone.

We have yellow and white flesh varieties, depending on the season.

Packing: 4kg. Contact us for more information about our options.

Size: AAA-D.

Imagen de Nectarina agricultura ecologica


The nectarine is a stone fruit with a delicate, hairless skin and a brighter colour than the peach.

It has a sweet and slightly acid taste.

Packing: 4kg. Contact us for more information about our options.

Size: AA-D.

Imagen Paraguayo agricultura ecologica


The Paraguayan is a fruit very similar to the peach, with white flesh, flattened shape and velvety skin.

It has a sweet and very pleasant taste.

Packing: 5kg. Contact us for more information about our options.

Size: AAA-D.

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